Peach Trifle with Vanilla Whip

I am posting a couple of recipes from my Friday Food Files over at FishlyNews – this trifle is a recent favourite. Light and fragant, the perfect dessert that looks pretty as well. How to:   I used this yellow cake   this vanilla custard   I stewed peaches with two tablespoons of sugar and …

Summer Quinoa Salad

This is my favourite side this summer. A simple Quinoa salad – easy to make, perfect for a BBQ or lunch at work. I make my Quinoa in our rice cooker following the package instructions. I then let it cool to room temperature. I add sliced cucumber, tomatoes, green onion, crumbled feta, chopped parsley and …

Cheese Ravioli with Brown Butter & Crispy Sage

A few weeks ago we visited friends that have this amazing garden – all the vegetables and herbs you can imagine. She sent us home with yellow zucchini, eggplant and a bunch of sage. I love the smell of sage, the velvet texture and the muted green colour. I decided to use the sage as …

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork

The afternoons might still be warm, but the nights are cold and the mornings are chilly. I’m craving warm blankets while watching TV, but am still hoping to leave the house without socks. It’s the perfect time to dust off your slow cooker and make a batch of pulled pork while you spend your day …

Mushroom Triangles

I remember how my mother used to make mushroom toast. She loves mushrooms and that was an easy meal to make. I can’t remember a time I didn’t like mushrooms, or a time I didn’t like toast – so this combination was a hit in my books. With the fall season starting I was craving …

Croissant and Panetone Bread Pudding

Recently I had some left over croissants and a big chunk of leftover Panetone – they were starting to go stale, so I decided to make bread pudding. Bread pudding tends to be a dessert in my grandmother’s home, but I thought I could change it up and make it for breakfast. I’m so glad …

Welcome to Audrey’s!

Back in 2011 I started taking some food photos for my blog Fishly News. I started to enjoy the process of photographing more and more, and in 2012 I started a weekly column called Friday Food Files. Now, nine months into the feature I have published 30+ photos of food we created at home. Sometimes …