Maluns and remembering my father

My dad grew up in a small Alpine village, which today is part of a large ski resort. His father was a grocer and he was the first of his siblings to go to university, leave the small village and become a lawyer. My parents met in Miami of all places – no place more …

Friday Specials

This last week of February was a good one and a strange one. Imagine capturing above sky one mild evening, and then dealing with a massive snow storm the next day. Let me tell you, we had A LOT of snow. While it looks pretty on all the trees, I’m really hoping this was winter’s …

Friday Specials

Happy 4th Birthday baby boy! Desmond turns four today. He has grown up to be this perfectly sweet little man – sensitive, stubborn, loves animals, laughs a lot and is grumpy in the mornings. He is tall and funny and makes all of us happy with his insightful comments. We are having a party tomorrow …

A trip to Disney World

We’ve been thinking about this trip for some time. As childhood memories kept popping into my head, I wanted to return and show my children. I was lucky as a child – while we lived in Switzerland, my grandparents lived in Florida, so most years we visited the US we also stopped by Disney World. …

Valentine Chocolate Spoons

We like to make something small for Valentine’s Day – something sweet preferably, but also something the kids can make themselves. This year I decided to make chocolate spoons – a great activity – fun and easy to make.  I’ve seen a few examples on Pinterest and here. You  can imagine that anything involving  messy …

Simple Shrimp Tacos

Shrimp Tacos are a staple at our house – a fast weekday dinner that is sure to please even the picky eaters. I always have a bag of frozen shrimp in the freezer and a pack of tortillas. We quickly fry up the shrimp with some oil, garlic and cumin – maybe a dash of …

Mâche – Winter Salad

Sometimes I feel like greens when it’s gray outside and the snow is high. I feel though that many winter salads are topped with heavy things such as grains and candied nuts. Sometimes I want to keep it a little lighter and I go for this simple  Mâche salad. Mâche, also known as Lamb’s lettuce, is definitely a …