Friday Specials

This short week went by in a flash. We are all geared up to celebrate Maëlle’s 6th birthday tomorrow. We are having a bunch of kids out at the splash pad for a fun couple of hours of sun and water. She chose rainbows as her theme, so I’ve been gathering all things colourful over …

Friday Specials

It’s the end of June, which is absolutely crazy! How is it possible that we zipped through such a big part of this year already? I thought I’d capture a couple of our June moments in this post with phone photos taken over the past few weeks. As you can see quite a bit happened. …

Friday Specials

School finished this week. I can’t believe my daughter just finished senior kindergarten and will start first grade in the fall. Time does fly. Today, her and I are enjoying a day together – she wants to go to Starbucks for breakfast and then wants to look at books. She also wants to take a …

Pink Ombré Vanilla Cake

It’s cake time again. Cake to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday. My grandmother likes white cake – fluffy cake with lots of icing. This time a simple vanilla cake with vanilla icing turns a little fancy with ombré layers, sprinkles and the birthday girl’s favourite flowers! I also added cuteness by baking this cake in 6 …

Friday Specials

Ahhh, what a week! After enjoying a long weekend away and having some fun at the beach, we returned to a short working week with a lot of catching up to do. This weekend we are having a couple of people over for a simple BBQ, we have a birthday party to attend and some …