Friday Specials

This was a short work week with us having Monday off. The highlight was seeing all the baby animals at the farm. Yes, we have a modern working farm in the middle of the city and it’s by far my favourite museum in town. I can’t get enough of baby goats, sheep, chicks, pigs and …

My Pot-luck Biscuits

We had a work pot-luck before the Easter long weekend. I was told that there would be enough desserts, so I should bring something else. Not sure why, but I decided to  attempt biscuits – they are a good side, versatile enough to accompany a variety of pot-luck meals and pretty easy to make. Looking …

Friday Specials

I am so happy we have a four day weekend! We are ready to keep things slow around here, enjoying the fact that all stores are closed today and that we can’t go out and run errands. We’ll have time to work on a couple of things around the house and on Sunday we’ll hunt …

Friday Specials

So spring officially started this week and we got more snow! We definitely got our share this winter and I am so ready to turn my back on boots, hats and coats. Despite the snow, we had a great week – a new gymnastics class for the kids, made cauliflower and leek soup, got news …

Eggs and Smoked Salmon Toasts

We seem to only eat eggs on the weekend. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t make eggs more often during the week. They are fast and keep you going. But weekday mornings are just crazy – between the kids not wanting to eat breakfast or get dressed, lunches and book bags to pack – I’m …

Friday Specials

Warm days and below freezing  nights – that’s what you need for maple syrup production. It’s a sign of spring – a big deal in our region. Sugar shacks are crowded these days and they can make a few bucks by selling brunch to city dwellers. We ventured a little further. Off to Omega Park …

Friday Specials

This is the time of year where I get antsy for spring. Last year we had a very unusual heat-wave in March and were walking around in sandals – this year we still have big snow banks and are wearing our winter gear. I can’t wait for it to get warmer!  What are your plans …