Disclaimer: I received a travel stipend and am paid for writing about Prince Edward County by The Great Waterway. This is one of five articles. The articles will also appear on The Great Waterway blog. I chose and organized my own itinerary and all opinions are my own. All photography is my own.
You might have heard about Sandbanks Provincial Park? Sandbanks is home to the largest sand dune system in Canada and looks onto beautiful Lake Ontario. The lake is so big, you think you’re at the ocean. The sand is so fine, you think you’re at the ocean. The water is freezing though in June and the air doesn’t smell of salt. I’ve heard a lot of great things about Sandbanks from people that go camping there. Campsites book up very early in the year, so plan ahead if you plan to go.
On our recent trip to Prince Edward County, we enjoyed a half a day at the beach. In June it wasn’t too crowded and our kids didn’t care that the water was freezing. The day was sunny, the sky blue and the dunes were fun to run up and slide down. Let’s just say, we added a couple of pounds of sand to the car when we left. I’m sure we’ll be back, because Sandbanks really made an impression on me.
Moving west, away from the Sandbanks, towards Wellington, the shore looks different. There’s a huge park at the water in Wellington with a very large boat shaped play structure. We spent some time there before grabbing food at the Tall Poppy Cafe, which is just a block away. The day was drizzly and grey and we watched a fisher man go out on the lake. It looked so peaceful.
Moving away from the water the view is rural. Lots of leafy trees, long dirt roads, red barns, fields, farm animals – free roaming chickens and fields of grazing sheep. The area is incredibly green and lush and between all the vineyards you can glimpse the water or see all the working farms that produce food for the local restaurants and stores. The incredible scenery made up for the one rainy day we had. We were very tempted to stop by some of the cottages and small houses that were for sale. I imagine a holiday property perfect for relaxation, water sports and access to great food. Prince Edward County has a nice romantic quality to it – a little of everything.